1- Introduction |
2- Circumstantial Evidence Supporting Eisenhower’s ‘First
Contact’ Meeting with Extraterrestrials |
3- Gerald Light’s Letter That Eisenhower Met With
Extraterrestrials |
4- Testimonies Supporting Eisenhower’s Meeting With
Extraterrestrials |
5- The Subsequent 1954 Agreement with
Extraterrestrials |
6- What Do We Know of the Grey Extraterrestrials that signed the
Treaty? |
7- Maintaining Secrecy and Witness
Credibility |
8- Conclusion |
Support and Additional
Information |
- 55th Anniversary of Eisenhower Nuclear Diplomacy With
ET? |
- Eisenhower Briefing
Document |
Bloomberg News
- Extraterrestrial Edge Helps The Balance
Sheet |
- Extraterrestrials Among Us |
- Frank E. Stranges and Valiant
Thor |
- From Orgone Energy to Roswell - Wilhelm
Reich: Eisenhower’s Secret Ally Against the
Aliens |
- Ike and Extraterrestrials - President Eisenhower at
Holloman AFB? |
Washington Post
- Ike and The Alien Ambassadors |
- Is The Cutler-Twining Memo A
Hoax? |
- Photo Reveals Star Trek-like Human-posing
Extraterrestrials Who
Visited U.S. Capital in 1957 |
- President Eisenhower at Holloman
AFB? |
"Project JEHOVAH" - Interview With Ryan Wood |
The KRLL Papers |
- What Did President Eisenhower Secretly Know
that led to him
supporting a Revision of the Pled... |
Multimedia |
President Eisenhower's Historic Farewell Address to
the Nation |
Reports |
- Extraterrestrial False Flag
Operation to Begin in August, 2007? |
- President Ronald Reagan - Above
Top Secret Exopolitical Information |
- Project
- Secretum-Omega |
- Vida en Nuestra
Galaxia |